Source code for ggf.stress.boyde2009.core

# flake8: noqa
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from functools import lru_cache
import warnings

import numpy as np

from ...matlab_funcs import besselh, besselj, gammaln, lscov, quadl
from ...sci_funcs import legendrePlm
from ...core import stress2legendre

[docs]def boundary(costheta, a=1, epsilon=.1, nu=0): """Projected boundary of a prolate spheroid Compute the boundary according to equation (4) in :cite:`Boyde2009` with the addition of the Poisson's ratio of the object. .. math:: B(\\theta) = a (1+\\epsilon) \\left[ (1+\\epsilon)^2 - \\epsilon (1+\\nu) (2+\\epsilon (1-\\nu)) \\cos^2 \\theta \\right]^{-1/2} This boundary function was derived for a prolate spheroid under the assumption that the semi-major axis :math:`a` and the semi-minor axes :math:`b=c` are defined as .. math:: a = b \\cdot \\frac{1+ \\epsilon}{1- \\nu \\epsilon} The boundary function :math:`B(\\theta)` can be derived with the above relation using the equation for a prolate spheroid. Parameters ---------- costheta: float or np.ndarray Cosine of polar coordinates :math:`\\theta` at which to compute the boundary. a: float Equatorial radii of prolate spheroid (semi-minor axis). epsilon: float Stretch ratio; defines size of semi-major axis: :math:`a = (1+\\epsilon) b`. Note that this is not the eccentricity of the prolate spheroid. nu: float Poisson's ratio :math:`\\nu` of the material. Returns ------- B: 1d ndarray Radial object boundary in dependence of theta :math:`B(\\theta)`. Notes ----- For :math:`\\nu=0`, the above equation becomes equation (4) in :cite:`Boyde2009`. """ x = costheta B = a * (1 + epsilon) \ / ((1 + epsilon)**2 - epsilon * (1 + nu) * (2 + epsilon * (1 - nu)) * x**2)**.5 return B
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=32) def get_hgc(): """Load hypergeometric coefficients from *hypergeomdata2.dat*. These coefficients were computed by Lars Boyde using Wolfram Mathematica. """ hpath = resource_filename("ggf.stress.boyde2009", "hypergeomdata2.dat") hgc = np.loadtxt(hpath) return hgc
[docs]def stress(object_index=1.41, medium_index=1.3465, poisson_ratio=0.45, semi_minor=2.8466e-6, stretch_ratio=0.1, wavelength=780e-9, beam_waist=3, power_left=.6, power_right=.6, dist=100e-6, n_points=100, theta_max=np.pi, field_approx="davis", ret_legendre_decomp=False, verbose=False): """Compute the stress acting on a prolate spheroid The prolate spheroid has semi-major axis :math:`a` and semi-minor axis :math:`b=c`. Parameters ---------- object_index: float Refractive index of the spheroid medium_index: float Refractive index of the surrounding medium poisson_ratio: float Poisson's ratio of the spheroid material semi_minor: float Semi-minor axis (inner) radius of the stretched object :math:`b=c`. stretch_ratio: float Measure of the deformation, defined as :math:`(a - b) / b` wavelength: float Wavelenth of the gaussian beam [m] beam_waist: float Beam waist radius of the gaussian beam [wavelengths] power_left: float Laser power of the left beam [W] power_right: float Laser power of the right beam [W] dist: float Distance between beam waist and object center [m] n_points: int Number of points to compute stresses for theta_max: float Maximum angle to compute stressed for field_approx: str TODO ret_legendre_decomp: bool If True, return coefficients of decomposition of stress into Legendre polynomials verbose: int Increase verbosity Returns ------- theta: 1d ndarray Angles for which stresses are computed sigma_rr: 1d ndarray Radial stress corresponding to angles coeff: 1d ndarray If `ret_legendre_decomp` is True, return compositions of decomposition of stress into Legendre polynomials. Notes ----- - The angles `theta` are computed on a grid that does not include zero and `theta_max`. - This implementation was first presented in :cite:`Boyde2009`. """ if field_approx not in ["davis", "barton"]: raise ValueError("`field_approx` must be 'davis' or 'barton'") object_index = complex(object_index) medium_index = complex(medium_index) W0 = beam_waist * wavelength epsilon = stretch_ratio nu = poisson_ratio # ZRL = 0.5*medium_index*2*np.pi/wavelength*W0**2 # Rayleigh range [m] # WZ = W0*(1+(beam_pos+d)**2/ZRL**2)**0.5 # beam waist at specified # position [m] K0 = 2 * np.pi / wavelength # wave vector [m] Alpha = semi_minor * K0 # size parameter C = 3e8 # speed of light [m/s] # maximum number of orders lmax = + Alpha + 4 * (Alpha)**(1 / 3) + 10)) if lmax > 120: msg = 'Required number of orders for accurate expansion exceeds allowed maximum!' \ + 'Reduce size of trapped particle!' raise ValueError(msg) if epsilon == 0: # spherical object, no point-matching needed (mmax = 0) mmax = 3 else: if (epsilon > 0.15): warnings.warn('Stretching ratio is high: {}'.format(epsilon)) # spheroidal object, point-matching required (mmax has to be divisible # by 3) mmax = 6 * lmax # permittivity in surrounding medium [1] EpsilonI = medium_index**2 EpsilonII = object_index**2 # permittivity in within cell [1] MuI = 1.000 # permeability in surrounding medium [1] MuII = 1.000 # permeability within cell [1] # wave constant in Maxwell's equations (surrounding medium) [1/m] K1I = 1j * K0 * EpsilonI # wave constant in Maxwell's equations (within cell) [1/m] K1II = 1j * K0 * EpsilonII # wave constant in Maxwell's equations (surrounding medium) [1/m] K2I = 1j * K0 # wave constant in Maxwell's equations (within cell) [1/m] K2II = 1j * K0 KI = (-K1I * K2I)**0.5 # wave vector (surrounding medium) [1/m] KII = (-K1II * K2II)**0.5 # wave vector (within cell) [1/m] # dimensionless parameters k0 = 1 # wave vector a = semi_minor * K0 # internal radius of stretched cell d = dist * K0 # distance from cell centre to optical stretcher # ap = a*(1+stretch_ratio) # semi-major axis (after stretching) # bp = a*(1-poisson_ratio*stretch_ratio) # semi-minor axis (after # stretching) w0 = W0 * K0 # Gaussian width # wave constant in Maxwell's equations (surrounding medium) k1I = K1I / K0 # wave constant in Maxwell's equations (within cell) k1II = K1II / K0 # wave constant in Maxwell's equations (surrounding medium) k2I = K2I / K0 # wave constant in Maxwell's equations (within cell) k2II = K2II / K0 kI = KI / K0 # wave vector (surrounding medium) kII = KII / K0 # wave vector (within cell) beta = kI # wave vector of Gaussian beam # other definitions # amplitude of electric field of left laser [kg m/(s**2 C)] EL = np.sqrt(power_left / (medium_index * C * W0**2)) # amplitude of electric field of right laser [kg m/(s**2 C)] ER = np.sqrt(power_right / (medium_index * C * W0**2)) HL = beta / k0 * EL # left laser amplitude of magnetic field HR = beta / k0 * ER # right laser amplitude of magnetic field zR = beta * w0**2 / 2 # definition of Rayleigh range S = (1 + 1j * d / zR)**(-1) # complex amplitude for Taylor expansion s = 1 / (beta * w0) # expansion parameter for Gaussian (Barton) # Functions # object boundary function: r(th) = a*B1(x) x= cos(th) def B1(x): return boundary(costheta=x, a=1, epsilon=epsilon, nu=nu) # Riccati Bessel functions and their derivatives # Riccati Bessel function (psi) def psi(l, z): return (np.pi / 2 * z)**(1 / 2) * besselj(l + 1 / 2, z) def psi1(l, z): return (np.pi / (2. * z))**(1 / 2) * \ (z * besselj(l - 1 / 2, z) - l * besselj(l + 1 / 2, z)) # first derivative (psi') def psi2(l, z): return (np.pi / 2)**(1 / 2) * (l + l**2 - z**2) * \ besselj(l + 1 / 2, z) * z**(-3 / 2) # second derivative (psi'') # First order Taylor expansion of psi is too inaccurate for larger values of k*a*Eps. # Hence, to match 1-st and higher order terms in Eps, subtract the 0-th order terms (no angular dependence) # from the exact function psi (including angular dependence) # Riccati Bessel function excluding angular dependence in 0-th order # (psiex) def psiex(l, z, x): return psi(l, z * B1(x)) - psi(l, z) def psi1ex(l, z, x): return psi1(l, z * B1(x)) - \ psi1(l, z) # first derivative of psiex def psi2ex(l, z, x): return psi2(l, z * B1(x)) - \ psi2(l, z) # second derivative of psi # defined for abbreviation def psixx(l, z, x): return psi(l, z * B1(x)) def psi1xx(l, z, x): return psi1(l, z * B1(x)) def psi2xx(l, z, x): return psi2(l, z * B1(x)) # Hankel function and its derivative def xi(l, z): return (np.pi / 2 * z)**(1 / 2) * besselh(l + 1 / 2, z) def xi1(l, z): return (np.pi / (2 * z))**(1 / 2) * \ ((l + 1) * besselh(l + 1 / 2, z) - z * besselh(l + 3 / 2, z)) def xi2(l, z): return (np.pi / 2)**(1 / 2) / \ z**(3 / 2) * (l + l**2 - z**2) * besselh(l + 1 / 2, z) # Comments: see above for psiex def xiex(l, z, x): return xi(l, z * B1(x)) - xi(l, z) def xi1ex(l, z, x): return xi1(l, z * B1(x)) - xi1(l, z) def xi2ex(l, z, x): return xi2(l, z * B1(x)) - xi2(l, z) def xixx(l, z, x): return xi(l, z * B1(x)) def xi1xx(l, z, x): return xi1(l, z * B1(x)) def xi2xx(l, z, x): return xi2(l, z * B1(x)) #% Associated Legendre functions P(m)_l(x) and their derivatives #% select mth component of vector 'legendre' [P**(m)_l(x)] # [zeros(m,1);1;zeros(l-m,1)].'*legendre(l,x) #% legendre polynomial [P**(m)_l(x)] def legendrePl(l, x): return legendrePlm(1, l, x) #% legendre polynomial [P**(1)_l(x)] def legendrePlm1(m, l, x): return ( (l - m + 1.) * legendrePlm(m, l + 1, x) - (l + 1.) * x * legendrePlm(m, l, x)) / (x**2 - 1) #% derivative d/dx[P**(m)_l(x)] def legendrePl1(l, x): return legendrePlm1(1, l, x) # defined to avoid division by zero (which can occur for x=1 in # legendrePl1... def legendrePlmex1(m, l, x): return -((l - m + 1) * legendrePlm(m, l + 1, x) - (l + 1) * x * legendrePlm(m, l, x)) def legendrePlex1(l, x): return legendrePlmex1(1, l, x) # Hypergeometric and Gamma functions hypergeomcoeff = get_hgc() ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # Gaussian beam (incident fields) - in Cartesian basis (either Davis first order or Barton fifth order fields) # electric and magnetic fields according to Davis (first order) if field_approx == "davis": # left def eExiL(r, th, phi): return EL * (1 + 1j * (r * np.cos(th) + d) / zR)**(-1) * np.exp(-r**2 * np.sin(th)**2 / (w0**2 * (1 + 1j * (r * np.cos(th) + d) / zR))) * np.exp(1j * beta * (r * np.cos(th) + d)) def eEyiL(r, th, phi): return 0 def eEziL(r, th, phi): return -1j * (1 + 1j * (r * np.cos(th) + d) / zR)**(-1) * r * np.sin(th) * np.cos(phi) / zR * eExiL(r, th, phi) def eHxiL(r, th, phi): return 0 def eHyiL(r, th, phi): return HL * (1 + 1j * (r * np.cos(th) + d) / zR)**(-1) * np.exp(-r**2 * np.sin(th)**2 / (w0**2 * (1 + 1j * (r * np.cos(th) + d) / zR))) * np.exp(1j * beta * (r * np.cos(th) + d)) def eHziL(r, th, phi): return -1j * (1 + 1j * (r * np.cos(th) + d) / zR)**(-1) * r * np.sin(th) * np.sin(phi) / zR * eHyiL(r, th, phi) # right def eExiR(r, th, phi): return ER * (1 - 1j * (r * np.cos(th) - d) / zR)**(-1) * np.exp(-r**2 * np.sin(th)**2 / (w0**2 * (1 - 1j * (r * np.cos(th) - d) / zR))) * np.exp(-1j * beta * (r * np.cos(th) - d)) def eEyiR(r, th, phi): return 0 def eEziR(r, th, phi): return +1j * (1 - 1j * (r * np.cos(th) - d) / zR)**(-1) * r * np.sin(th) * np.cos(phi) / zR * eExiR(r, th, phi) def eHxiR(r, th, phi): return 0 def eHyiR(r, th, phi): return -HR * (1 - 1j * (r * np.cos(th) - d) / zR)**(-1) * np.exp(-r**2 * np.sin(th)**2 / (w0**2 * (1 - 1j * (r * np.cos(th) - d) / zR))) * np.exp(-1j * beta * (r * np.cos(th) - d)) def eHziR(r, th, phi): return +1j * (1 - 1j * (r * np.cos(th) - d) / zR)**(-1) * r * np.sin(th) * np.sin(phi) / zR * eHyiR(r, th, phi) else: # electric and magnetic fields according to Barton (fifth order) # Note: in Barton propagation is: np.exp(i (omega*t-k*z)) and not np.exp(i (k*z-omega*t)). # Hence, take complex conjugate of equations or make the changes z -> # -z, Ez -> -Ez, Hz -> -Hz while x and y are not affected. def Xi(r, th, phi): return r * np.sin(th) * np.cos(phi) / w0 def Eta(r, th, phi): return r * np.sin(th) * np.sin(phi) / w0 def ZetaL(r, th): return (r * np.cos(th) + d) / (beta * w0**2) def Rho(r, th, phi): return np.sqrt( Xi(r, th, phi)**2 + Eta(r, th, phi)**2) def QL(r, th): return 1. / (1j + 2 * ZetaL(r, th)) def Psi0L(r, th, phi): return 1j * QL(r, th) * \ np.exp(-1j * (Rho(r, th, phi))**2 * QL(r, th)) def eExiL(r, th, phi): return np.conj(EL * Psi0L(r, th, phi) * np.exp(-1j * ZetaL(r, th) / s**2) * (1 + s**2 * (-Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QL(r, th)**2 + 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QL(r, th)**3 - 2 * QL(r, th)**2 * Xi(r, th, phi)**2) + s**4 * (2 * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QL(r, th)**4 - 3 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**6 * QL(r, th)**5 - 0.5 * Rho(r, th, phi)**8 * QL(r, th)**6 + (8 * Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QL(r, th)**4 - 2 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QL(r, th)**5) * Xi(r, th, phi)**2))) def eEyiL(r, th, phi): return np.conj(EL * Psi0L(r, th, phi) * np.exp(-1j * ZetaL(r, th) / s**2) * (s**2 * (-2 * QL(r, th)**2 * Xi(r, th, phi) * Eta(r, th, phi)) + s**4 * ((8 * Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QL(r, th)**4 - 2 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QL(r, th)**5) * Xi(r, th, phi) * Eta(r, th, phi)))) def eEziL(r, th, phi): return np.conj(EL * Psi0L(r, th, phi) * np.exp(-1j * ZetaL(r, th) / s**2) * (s * (-2 * QL(r, th) * Xi(r, th, phi)) + s**3 * (6 * Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QL(r, th)**3 - 2 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QL(r, th)**4) * Xi(r, th, phi) + s**5 * (-20 * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QL(r, th)**5 + 10 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**6 * QL(r, th)**6 + Rho(r, th, phi)**8 * QL(r, th)**7) * Xi(r, th, phi))) def eHxiL(r, th, phi): return np.conj(+np.sqrt(EpsilonI) * EL * Psi0L(r, th, phi) * np.exp(-1j * ZetaL(r, th) / s**2) * (s**2 * (-2 * QL(r, th)**2 * Xi(r, th, phi) * Eta(r, th, phi)) + s**4 * ((8 * Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QL(r, th)**4 - 2 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QL(r, th)**5) * Xi(r, th, phi) * Eta(r, th, phi)))) def eHyiL(r, th, phi): return np.conj(+np.sqrt(EpsilonI) * EL * Psi0L(r, th, phi) * np.exp(-1j * ZetaL(r, th) / s**2) * (1 + s**2 * (-Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QL(r, th)**2 + 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QL(r, th)**3 - 2 * QL(r, th)**2 * Eta(r, th, phi)**2) + s**4 * (2 * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QL(r, th)**4 - 3 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**6 * QL(r, th)**5 - 0.5 * Rho(r, th, phi)**8 * QL(r, th)**6 + (8 * Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QL(r, th)**4 - 2 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QL(r, th)**5) * Eta(r, th, phi)**2))) def eHziL(r, th, phi): return np.conj(np.sqrt(EpsilonI) * EL * Psi0L(r, th, phi) * np.exp(-1j * ZetaL(r, th) / s**2) * (s * (-2 * QL(r, th) * Eta(r, th, phi)) + s**3 * (6 * Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QL(r, th)**3 - 2 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QL(r, th)**4) * Eta(r, th, phi) + s**5 * (-20 * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QL(r, th)**5 + 10 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**6 * QL(r, th)**6 + Rho(r, th, phi)**8 * QL(r, th)**7) * Eta(r, th, phi))) # right # Take left fiber fields and make coordinate changes (x,y,z,d) -> # (x,-y,-z,d) and amplitude changes (Ex,Ey,Ez) -> (Ex,-Ey,-Ez). def ZetaR(r, th): return -(r * np.cos(th) - d) / (beta * w0**2) def QR(r, th): return 1. / (1j + 2 * ZetaR(r, th)) def Psi0R(r, th, phi): return 1j * QR(r, th) * \ np.exp(-1j * (Rho(r, th, phi))**2 * QR(r, th)) def eExiR(r, th, phi): return np.conj(ER * Psi0R(r, th, phi) * np.exp(-1j * ZetaR(r, th) / s**2) * (1 + s**2 * (-Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QR(r, th)**2 + 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QR(r, th)**3 - 2 * QR(r, th)**2 * Xi(r, th, phi)**2) + s**4 * (2 * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QR(r, th)**4 - 3 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**6 * QR(r, th)**5 - 0.5 * Rho(r, th, phi)**8 * QR(r, th)**6 + (8 * Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QR(r, th)**4 - 2 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QR(r, th)**5) * Xi(r, th, phi)**2))) def eEyiR(r, th, phi): return np.conj(ER * Psi0R(r, th, phi) * np.exp(-1j * ZetaR(r, th) / s**2) * (s**2 * (-2 * QR(r, th)**2 * Xi(r, th, phi) * Eta(r, th, phi)) + s**4 * ((8 * Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QR(r, th)**4 - 2 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QR(r, th)**5) * Xi(r, th, phi) * Eta(r, th, phi)))) def eEziR(r, th, phi): return - np.conj(ER * Psi0R(r, th, phi) * np.exp(-1j * ZetaR(r, th) / s**2) * (s * (-2 * QR(r, th) * Xi(r, th, phi)) + s**3 * (6 * Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QR(r, th)**3 - 2 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QR(r, th)**4) * Xi(r, th, phi) + s**5 * (-20 * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QR(r, th)**5 + 10 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**6 * QR(r, th)**6 + Rho(r, th, phi)**8 * QR(r, th)**7) * Xi(r, th, phi))) def eHxiR(r, th, phi): return - np.conj(+np.sqrt(EpsilonI) * ER * Psi0R(r, th, phi) * np.exp(-1j * ZetaR(r, th) / s**2) * (s**2 * (-2 * QR(r, th)**2 * Xi(r, th, phi) * Eta(r, th, phi)) + s**4 * ((8 * Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QR(r, th)**4 - 2 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QR(r, th)**5) * Xi(r, th, phi) * Eta(r, th, phi)))) def eHyiR(r, th, phi): return - np.conj(+np.sqrt(EpsilonI) * ER * Psi0R(r, th, phi) * np.exp(-1j * ZetaR(r, th) / s**2) * (1 + s**2 * (-Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QR(r, th)**2 + 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QR(r, th)**3 - 2 * QR(r, th)**2 * Eta(r, th, phi)**2) + s**4 * (2 * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QR(r, th)**4 - 3 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**6 * QR(r, th)**5 - 0.5 * Rho(r, th, phi)**8 * QR(r, th)**6 + (8 * Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QR(r, th)**4 - 2 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QR(r, th)**5) * Eta(r, th, phi)**2))) def eHziR(r, th, phi): return np.conj(np.sqrt(EpsilonI) * ER * Psi0R(r, th, phi) * np.exp(-1j * ZetaR(r, th) / s**2) * (s * (-2 * QR(r, th) * Eta(r, th, phi)) + s**3 * (6 * Rho(r, th, phi)**2 * QR(r, th)**3 - 2 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QR(r, th)**4) * Eta(r, th, phi) + s**5 * (-20 * Rho(r, th, phi)**4 * QR(r, th)**5 + 10 * 1j * Rho(r, th, phi)**6 * QR(r, th)**6 + Rho(r, th, phi)**8 * QR(r, th)**7) * Eta(r, th, phi))) # Gaussian beam (incident fields) - in spherical polar coordinates basis # left def eEriL(r, th, phi): return np.sin(th) * np.cos(phi) * eExiL(r, th, phi) + \ np.sin(th) * np.sin(phi) * eEyiL(r, th, phi) + \ np.cos(th) * eEziL(r, th, phi) def eEthiL(r, th, phi): return np.cos(th) * np.cos(phi) * eExiL(r, th, phi) + \ np.cos(th) * np.sin(phi) * eEyiL(r, th, phi) - \ np.sin(th) * eEziL(r, th, phi) def eEphiiL(r, th, phi): return - np.sin(phi) * \ eExiL(r, th, phi) + np.cos(phi) * eEyiL(r, th, phi) def eHriL(r, th, phi): return np.sin(th) * np.cos(phi) * eHxiL(r, th, phi) + \ np.sin(th) * np.sin(phi) * eHyiL(r, th, phi) + \ np.cos(th) * eHziL(r, th, phi) def eHthiL(r, th, phi): return np.cos(th) * np.cos(phi) * eHxiL(r, th, phi) + \ np.cos(th) * np.sin(phi) * eHyiL(r, th, phi) - \ np.sin(th) * eHziL(r, th, phi) def eHphiiL(r, th, phi): return - np.sin(phi) * \ eHxiL(r, th, phi) + np.cos(phi) * eHyiL(r, th, phi) # right def eEriR(r, th, phi): return np.sin(th) * np.cos(phi) * eExiR(r, th, phi) + \ np.sin(th) * np.sin(phi) * eEyiR(r, th, phi) + \ np.cos(th) * eEziR(r, th, phi) def eEthiR(r, th, phi): return np.cos(th) * np.cos(phi) * eExiR(r, th, phi) + \ np.cos(th) * np.sin(phi) * eEyiR(r, th, phi) - \ np.sin(th) * eEziR(r, th, phi) def eEphiiR(r, th, phi): return - np.sin(phi) * \ eExiR(r, th, phi) + np.cos(phi) * eEyiR(r, th, phi) def eHriR(r, th, phi): return np.sin(th) * np.cos(phi) * eHxiR(r, th, phi) + \ np.sin(th) * np.sin(phi) * eHyiR(r, th, phi) + \ np.cos(th) * eHziR(r, th, phi) def eHthiR(r, th, phi): return np.cos(th) * np.cos(phi) * eHxiR(r, th, phi) + \ np.cos(th) * np.sin(phi) * eHyiR(r, th, phi) - \ np.sin(th) * eHziR(r, th, phi) def eHphiiR(r, th, phi): return - np.sin(phi) * \ eHxiR(r, th, phi) + np.cos(phi) * eHyiR(r, th, phi) eBL = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) mBL = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) eBR = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) # eBR_test = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) mBR = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) if field_approx == "davis": # Davis tau = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) for ii in range(lmax): l = ii + 1 tau[ii] = 0 # sum over m and n niimax = int(np.floor((l - 1) / 3)) for n in range(niimax + 1): miimax = int(np.floor((l - 1) / 2 - 3 / 2 * n)) for m in range(miimax + 1): if l < (2 * m + 3 * n + 2): Delta = 0 else: Delta = 1 tau[ii] = tau[ii] + np.exp(gammaln(l / 2 - m - n) + gammaln(m + n + 2) - gammaln(l - 2 * m - 3 * n) - gammaln(l / 2 + 2) - gammaln(m + 1) - gammaln(n + 1)) * hypergeomcoeff[l - 1, m + n] \ * (-1)**(m + 1) / (S**m * (beta * zR)**n) * (S / (1j * beta * w0))**(2 * m + 2 * n) * (1 - Delta * 2 * S / (beta * zR) * (l - 1 - 2 * m - 3 * n)) # print(tau) # calculate expansion coefficients of order l for electric and magnetic # Debye potentials def emB(l): return S * np.exp(1j * beta * d) * (1j * beta / (2 * kI))**(l - 1) * \ (l + 1 / 2)**2 / (l + 1) * \ np.exp(gammaln(2 * l) - gammaln(l + 1)) * tau[l - 1] for ii in range(lmax): l = ii + 1 # left eBL[ii] = EL * emB(l) mBL[ii] = HL * emB(l) # right # should include factor of (-1)**(l-1) for symmetry reasons, this # is taken into account only after least square fitting (see below) eBR[ii] = ER * emB(l) # should include factor of (-1)**l for symmetry reasons, this is # taken into account only after least square fitting (see mBR[ii] = HR * emB(l) else: # Barton for ii in range(lmax): l = ii + 1 eBL[ii] = np.sqrt(2) * quadl(lambda th: eEriL(a, th, np.pi / 4) * legendrePl(l, np.cos( th)) * np.sin(th), 0, np.pi) * (2 * l + 1) / (2 * l * (l + 1)) * a**2 / psi(l, kI * a) * kI**2 / (l * (l + 1)) mBL[ii] = np.sqrt(2) * quadl(lambda th: eHriL(a, th, np.pi / 4) * legendrePl(l, np.cos( th)) * np.sin(th), 0, np.pi) * (2 * l + 1) / (2 * l * (l + 1)) * a**2 / psi(l, kI * a) * kI**2 / (l * (l + 1)) eBR[ii] = np.sqrt(2) * quadl(lambda th: eEriR(a, th, np.pi / 4) * legendrePl(l, np.cos( th)) * np.sin(th), 0, np.pi) * (2 * l + 1) / (2 * l * (l + 1)) * a**2 / psi(l, kI * a) * kI**2 / (l * (l + 1)) mBR[ii] = np.sqrt(2) * quadl(lambda th: eHriR(a, th, np.pi / 4) * legendrePl(l, np.cos( th)) * np.sin(th), 0, np.pi) * (2 * l + 1) / (2 * l * (l + 1)) * a**2 / psi(l, kI * a) * kI**2 / (l * (l + 1)) # make symetrical with left expansion coefficients eBR[ii] = eBR[ii] * (-1)**(l - 1) # make symetrical with left expansion coefficients mBR[ii] = mBR[ii] * (-1)**l # coefficients for internal fields (eCl, mCl) and scattered fields (eDl, # mDl) eCL = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) mCL = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) eCR = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) mCR = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) eDL = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) mDL = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) eDR = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) mDR = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) for ii in range(lmax): l = ii + 1 # internal (left and right) eCL[ii] = k1I / kI * (kII)**2 * (xi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kI * a) - xi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kI * a)) / ( k1I * kII * xi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kII * a) - k1II * kI * xi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kII * a)) * eBL[ii] mCL[ii] = k2I / kI * (kII)**2 * (xi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kI * a) - xi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kI * a)) / ( k2I * kII * xi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kII * a) - k2II * kI * xi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kII * a)) * mBL[ii] eCR[ii] = k1I / kI * (kII)**2 * (xi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kI * a) - xi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kI * a)) / ( k1I * kII * xi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kII * a) - k1II * kI * xi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kII * a)) * eBR[ii] mCR[ii] = k2I / kI * (kII)**2 * (xi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kI * a) - xi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kI * a)) / ( k2I * kII * xi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kII * a) - k2II * kI * xi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kII * a)) * mBR[ii] # scattered (left and right) eDL[ii] = (k1I * kII * psi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kII * a) - k1II * kI * psi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kII * a)) / \ (k1II * kI * xi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kII * a) - k1I * kII * xi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kII * a)) * eBL[ii] mDL[ii] = (k2I * kII * psi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kII * a) - k2II * kI * psi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kII * a)) / \ (k2II * kI * xi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kII * a) - k2I * kII * xi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kII * a)) * mBL[ii] eDR[ii] = (k1I * kII * psi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kII * a) - k1II * kI * psi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kII * a)) / \ (k1II * kI * xi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kII * a) - k1I * kII * xi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kII * a)) * eBR[ii] mDR[ii] = (k2I * kII * psi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kII * a) - k2II * kI * psi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kII * a)) / \ (k2II * kI * xi1(l, kI * a) * psi(l, kII * a) - k2I * kII * xi(l, kI * a) * psi1(l, kII * a)) * mBR[ii] # First Order Expansion Coefficients # coefficients for internal fields (eCcl, mCcl) and scattered fields # (eDdl, mDdl) eLambda1L = {} mLambda1L = {} eLambda2L = {} mLambda2L = {} eLambda3L = {} mLambda3L = {} eLambda1R = {} mLambda1R = {} eLambda2R = {} mLambda2R = {} eLambda3R = {} mLambda3R = {} for jj in range(lmax): l = jj + 1 # left eLambda1L[l] = lambda x, l=l, jj=jj: (eBL[jj] / kI * psi1ex(l, kI * a, x) - eCL[jj] / kII * psi1ex( l, kII * a, x) + eDL[jj] / kI * xi1ex(l, kI * a, x)) # electric parameter1 left mLambda1L[l] = lambda x, l=l, jj=jj: (mBL[jj] / kI * psi1ex(l, kI * a, x) - mCL[jj] / kII * psi1ex( l, kII * a, x) + mDL[jj] / kI * xi1ex(l, kI * a, x)) # magnetic parameter1 left eLambda2L[l] = lambda x, l=l, jj=jj: (k1I / kI**2 * eBL[jj] * psiex(l, kI * a, x) - k1II / kII**2 * eCL[jj] * psiex( l, kII * a, x) + k1I / kI**2 * eDL[jj] * xiex(l, kI * a, x)) # electric parameter2 left mLambda2L[l] = lambda x, l=l, jj=jj: (k2I / kI**2 * mBL[jj] * psiex(l, kI * a, x) - k2II / kII**2 * mCL[jj] * psiex( l, kII * a, x) + k2I / kI**2 * mDL[jj] * xiex(l, kI * a, x)) # magnetic parameter2 left eLambda3L[l] = lambda x, l=l, jj=jj: (eBL[jj] * (psiex(l, kI * a, x) + psi2ex(l, kI * a, x)) * k1I - eCL[jj] * (psiex(l, kII * a, x) + psi2ex(l, kII * a, x)) * k1II + eDL[jj] * (xiex(l, kI * a, x) + xi2ex(l, kI * a, x)) * k1I) # electric parameter3 left mLambda3L[l] = lambda x, l=l, jj=jj: (mBL[jj] * (psiex(l, kI * a, x) + psi2ex(l, kI * a, x)) * MuI - mCL[jj] * (psiex(l, kII * a, x) + psi2ex(l, kII * a, x)) * MuII + mDL[jj] * (xiex(l, kI * a, x) + xi2ex(l, kI * a, x)) * MuI) # magnetic parameter3 left # right eLambda1R[l] = lambda x, l=l, jj=jj: (eBR[jj] / kI * psi1ex(l, kI * a, x) - eCR[jj] / kII * psi1ex( l, kII * a, x) + eDR[jj] / kI * xi1ex(l, kI * a, x)) # electric parameter1 right mLambda1R[l] = lambda x, l=l, jj=jj: (mBR[jj] / kI * psi1ex(l, kI * a, x) - mCR[jj] / kII * psi1ex( l, kII * a, x) + mDR[jj] / kI * xi1ex(l, kI * a, x)) # magnetic parameter1 right eLambda2R[l] = lambda x, l=l, jj=jj: (k1I / kI**2 * eBR[jj] * psiex(l, kI * a, x) - k1II / kII**2 * eCR[jj] * psiex( l, kII * a, x) + k1I / kI**2 * eDR[jj] * xiex(l, kI * a, x)) # electric parameter2 right mLambda2R[l] = lambda x, l=l, jj=jj: (k2I / kI**2 * mBR[jj] * psiex(l, kI * a, x) - k2II / kII**2 * mCR[jj] * psiex( l, kII * a, x) + k2I / kI**2 * mDR[jj] * xiex(l, kI * a, x)) # magnetic parameter2 right eLambda3R[l] = lambda x, l=l, jj=jj: (eBR[jj] * (psiex(l, kI * a, x) + psi2ex(l, kI * a, x)) * k1I - eCR[jj] * (psiex(l, kII * a, x) + psi2ex(l, kII * a, x)) * k1II + eDR[jj] * (xiex(l, kI * a, x) + xi2ex(l, kI * a, x)) * k1I) # electric parameter3 right mLambda3R[l] = lambda x, l=l, jj=jj: (mBR[jj] * (psiex(l, kI * a, x) + psi2ex(l, kI * a, x)) * MuI - mCR[jj] * (psiex(l, kII * a, x) + psi2ex(l, kII * a, x)) * MuII + mDR[jj] * (xiex(l, kI * a, x) + xi2ex(l, kI * a, x)) * MuI) # magnetic parameter3 right # define points for least square fitting [similar to operating on # equations with int_ {-1}**(+1} dx legendrePl(m,x)...] x = {} for m in range(1, int(mmax / 3) + 1): x[int(m)] = (-1 + 0.1 * (m - 1) / (mmax / 3)) x[int(m + mmax / 3)] = (-0.9 + 1.8 * m / (mmax / 3)) x[int(m + 2 * mmax / 3)] = (+0.9 + 0.1 * m / (mmax / 3)) efun1aL = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) efun1bL = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) efun2aL = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) efun2bL = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) efun3L = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) mfun1aL = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) mfun1bL = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) mfun2aL = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) mfun2bL = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) mfun3L = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) efun1aR = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) efun1bR = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) efun2aR = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) efun2bR = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) efun3R = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) mfun1aR = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) mfun1bR = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) mfun2aR = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) mfun2bR = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) mfun3R = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) for ii in range(mmax): m = ii + 1 # define points for least square fitting [similar to operating on equations with int_ {-1}**(+1} dx legendrePl(m,x)...] # the points x[m] lie in the range [-1,1] or similarly th(m) is in the range [0,pi] # x[m] = (-1 + 2*(m-1)/(mmax-1)) for jj in range(lmax): l = jj + 1 # left efun1aL[ii, jj] = eLambda1L[l](x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) efun1bL[ii, jj] = eLambda1L[l](x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) mfun1aL[ii, jj] = mLambda1L[l](x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) mfun1bL[ii, jj] = mLambda1L[l](x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) mfun2aL[ii, jj] = mLambda2L[l](x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) mfun2bL[ii, jj] = mLambda2L[l](x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) efun2aL[ii, jj] = eLambda2L[l](x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) efun2bL[ii, jj] = eLambda2L[l](x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) efun3L[ii, jj] = eLambda3L[l](x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) mfun3L[ii, jj] = mLambda3L[l](x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) # right efun1aR[ii, jj] = eLambda1R[l](x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) efun1bR[ii, jj] = eLambda1R[l](x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) mfun1aR[ii, jj] = mLambda1R[l](x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) mfun1bR[ii, jj] = mLambda1R[l](x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) mfun2aR[ii, jj] = mLambda2R[l](x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) mfun2bR[ii, jj] = mLambda2R[l](x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) efun2aR[ii, jj] = eLambda2R[l](x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) efun2bR[ii, jj] = eLambda2R[l](x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) efun3R[ii, jj] = eLambda3R[l](x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) mfun3R[ii, jj] = mLambda3R[l](x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) # first order BC can be written in form: M11*eCc + M12*eDd + M13*mCc + M14*mDd = N1 # ... # M61*eCc + M62*eDd + M63*mCc + M64*mDd = N6 # M11...M66 are matrices including the pre-factors for the individual terms in the sums of eCc[jj], etc # eCc...mDd are vectors including all the expansion coefficients (eCc = [eCc(1),...,eCc(lmax)]) # N1...N6 include the 0-th order terms and angular-dependent Legendre and # Bessel functions N1L = np.zeros(mmax, dtype=complex) N2L = np.zeros(mmax, dtype=complex) N3L = np.zeros(mmax, dtype=complex) N4L = np.zeros(mmax, dtype=complex) N5L = np.zeros(mmax, dtype=complex) N6L = np.zeros(mmax, dtype=complex) N1R = np.zeros(mmax, dtype=complex) N2R = np.zeros(mmax, dtype=complex) N3R = np.zeros(mmax, dtype=complex) N4R = np.zeros(mmax, dtype=complex) N5R = np.zeros(mmax, dtype=complex) N6R = np.zeros(mmax, dtype=complex) for ii in range(mmax): # left N1L[ii] = np.sum(efun1aL[ii, :]) - np.sum(mfun2bL[ii, :]) N2L[ii] = np.sum(efun1bL[ii, :]) - np.sum(mfun2aL[ii, :]) N3L[ii] = np.sum(mfun1aL[ii, :]) - np.sum(efun2bL[ii, :]) N4L[ii] = np.sum(mfun1bL[ii, :]) - np.sum(efun2aL[ii, :]) N5L[ii] = np.sum(efun3L[ii, :]) N6L[ii] = np.sum(mfun3L[ii, :]) # right N1R[ii] = np.sum(efun1aR[ii, :]) - np.sum(mfun2bR[ii, :]) N2R[ii] = np.sum(efun1bR[ii, :]) - np.sum(mfun2aR[ii, :]) N3R[ii] = np.sum(mfun1aR[ii, :]) - np.sum(efun2bR[ii, :]) N4R[ii] = np.sum(mfun1bR[ii, :]) - np.sum(efun2aR[ii, :]) N5R[ii] = np.sum(efun3R[ii, :]) N6R[ii] = np.sum(mfun3R[ii, :]) ## M11 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M12 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M13 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M14 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M21 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M22 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M23 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M24 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M31 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M32 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M33 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M34 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M41 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M42 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M43 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M44 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M51 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M52 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M53 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M54 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M61 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M62 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M63 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) M64 = np.zeros((mmax, lmax), dtype=complex) for ii in range(mmax): m = ii + 1 for jj in range(lmax): l = jj + 1 M11[ii, jj] = +1 / kII * \ psi1xx(l, kII * a, x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) M12[ii, jj] = -1 / kI * \ xi1xx(l, kI * a, x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) M13[ii, jj] = +1 / k1II * \ psixx(l, kII * a, x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) M14[ii, jj] = -1 / k1I * \ xixx(l, kI * a, x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) M21[ii, jj] = +1 / kII * \ psi1xx(l, kII * a, x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) M22[ii, jj] = -1 / kI * \ xi1xx(l, kI * a, x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) M23[ii, jj] = +1 / k1II * \ psixx(l, kII * a, x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) M24[ii, jj] = -1 / k1I * \ xixx(l, kI * a, x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) M31[ii, jj] = +1 / k2II * \ psixx(l, kII * a, x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) M32[ii, jj] = -1 / k2I * \ xixx(l, kI * a, x[m]) * legendrePlex1(l, x[m]) M33[ii, jj] = M11[ii, jj] M34[ii, jj] = M12[ii, jj] M41[ii, jj] = +1 / k2II * \ psixx(l, kII * a, x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) M42[ii, jj] = -1 / k2I * \ xixx(l, kI * a, x[m]) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) M43[ii, jj] = M21[ii, jj] M44[ii, jj] = M22[ii, jj] M51[ii, jj] = + k1II * (psixx(l, kII * a, x[m]) + psi2xx(l, kII * a, x[m])) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) M52[ii, jj] = - k1I * (xixx(l, kI * a, x[m]) + xi2xx(l, kI * a, x[m])) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) M53[ii, jj] = 0 M54[ii, jj] = 0 M61[ii, jj] = 0 M62[ii, jj] = 0 M63[ii, jj] = + MuII * (psixx(l, kII * a, x[m]) + psi2xx(l, kII * a, x[m])) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) M64[ii, jj] = - MuI * (xixx(l, kI * a, x[m]) + xi2xx(l, kI * a, x[m])) * legendrePl(l, x[m]) Matrix = np.zeros((6 * mmax, 6 * lmax), dtype=complex) for ii in range(mmax): m = ii + 1 for jj in range(lmax): l = jj + 1 Matrix[ii, jj] = M11[ii, jj] Matrix[ii, jj + lmax] = M12[ii, jj] Matrix[ii, jj + 2 * lmax] = M13[ii, jj] Matrix[ii, jj + 3 * lmax] = M14[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + mmax, jj] = M21[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + mmax, jj + lmax] = M22[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + mmax, jj + 2 * lmax] = M23[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + mmax, jj + 3 * lmax] = M24[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 2 * mmax, jj] = M31[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 2 * mmax, jj + lmax] = M32[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 2 * mmax, jj + 2 * lmax] = M33[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 2 * mmax, jj + 3 * lmax] = M34[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 3 * mmax, jj] = M41[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 3 * mmax, jj + lmax] = M42[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 3 * mmax, jj + 2 * lmax] = M43[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 3 * mmax, jj + 3 * lmax] = M44[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 4 * mmax, jj] = M51[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 4 * mmax, jj + lmax] = M52[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 4 * mmax, jj + 2 * lmax] = M53[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 4 * mmax, jj + 3 * lmax] = M54[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 5 * mmax, jj] = M61[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 5 * mmax, jj + lmax] = M62[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 5 * mmax, jj + 2 * lmax] = M63[ii, jj] Matrix[ii + 5 * mmax, jj + 3 * lmax] = M64[ii, jj] VectorL = np.zeros(6 * mmax, dtype=complex) VectorR = np.zeros(6 * mmax, dtype=complex) for ii in range(mmax): # left and right VectorL[ii] = N1L[ii] VectorL[ii + mmax] = N2L[ii] VectorL[ii + 2 * mmax] = N3L[ii] VectorL[ii + 3 * mmax] = N4L[ii] VectorL[ii + 4 * mmax] = N5L[ii] VectorL[ii + 5 * mmax] = N6L[ii] VectorR[ii] = N1R[ii] VectorR[ii + mmax] = N2R[ii] VectorR[ii + 2 * mmax] = N3R[ii] VectorR[ii + 3 * mmax] = N4R[ii] VectorR[ii + 4 * mmax] = N5R[ii] VectorR[ii + 5 * mmax] = N6R[ii] Weight = np.zeros(6 * mmax, dtype=complex) # weights for ii in range(mmax): m = ii + 1 Weight[ii] = 1 Weight[ii + mmax] = 1 Weight[ii + 2 * mmax] = 1 Weight[ii + 3 * mmax] = 1 Weight[ii + 4 * mmax] = 1 / (100 * m**0.8) Weight[ii + 5 * mmax] = 1 / (22 * m**0.20) # Weights were commented out?: # xL = lscov (Matrix,VectorL.',Weight.').' xL = lscov(np.matrix(Matrix), np.matrix(VectorL).T, np.matrix(Weight).T) xR = lscov(np.matrix(Matrix), np.matrix(VectorR).T, np.matrix(Weight).T) if verbose: print('If Eps=0, ignore previous error messages regarding rank deficiency!') eCcL = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) eDdL = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) mCcL = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) mDdL = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) eCcR = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) eDdR = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) mCcR = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) mDdR = np.zeros(lmax, dtype=complex) for jj in range(lmax): l = jj + 1 # left and right first order expansion coefficients eCcL[jj] = xL[jj] eDdL[jj] = xL[jj + lmax] mCcL[jj] = xL[jj + 2 * lmax] mDdL[jj] = xL[jj + 3 * lmax] eCcR[jj] = xR[jj] * (-1)**(l - 1) eDdR[jj] = xR[jj + lmax] * (-1)**(l - 1) mCcR[jj] = xR[jj + 2 * lmax] * (-1)**l mDdR[jj] = xR[jj + 3 * lmax] * (-1)**l # corrected expansion coefficients for right optical fiber* eBR[jj] = eBR[jj] * (-1)**(l - 1) eCR[jj] = eCR[jj] * (-1)**(l - 1) eDR[jj] = eDR[jj] * (-1)**(l - 1) mBR[jj] = mBR[jj] * (-1)**l mCR[jj] = mCR[jj] * (-1)**l mDR[jj] = mDR[jj] * (-1)**l #*additional factors [(-1)**(l-1),(-1)**l] should have been included when eB, mB are calculated however due to least squares approach slight antisymmetry arises... # hence include factors only after least square approach # Field Expansions For Incident Fields # sums of radial, zenithal and azimuthal field terms from l=1 to l=lmax # initialisation of sums # Paul: These are not used?! #EriL = lambda r, th, phi: 0 #EriR = lambda r, th, phi: 0 #EthiL = lambda r, th, phi: 0 #EthiR = lambda r, th, phi: 0 #EphiiL = lambda r, th, phi: 0 #EphiiR = lambda r, th, phi: 0 #HriL = lambda r, th, phi: 0 #HriR = lambda r, th, phi: 0 #HthiL = lambda r, th, phi: 0 #HthiR = lambda r, th, phi: 0 #HphiiL = lambda r, th, phi: 0 #HphiiR = lambda r, th, phi: 0 # left #EriL = lambda r, th, phi: EriL(r,th,phi) + eBL[l-1]*(psi(l,kI*r)+psi2(l,kI*r))*legendrePl(l,np.cos(th))*np.cos(phi) # EthiL = lambda r, th, phi: EthiL(r,th,phi) -(eBL[l-1]*psi1 (l,kI*r)/(kI*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th) \ # + mBL[l-1]*psi (l,kI*r)/(k1I*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th))*np.cos(phi) # EphiiL = lambda r, th, phi: EphiiL(r,th,phi) -(eBL[l-1]*psi1 (l,kI*r)/(kI*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th) \ # + mBL[l-1]*psi (l,kI*r)/(k1I*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th))*np.sin(phi) #HriL = lambda r, th, phi: HriL(r,th,phi) + mBL[l-1]*(psi(l,kI*r)+psi2(l,kI*r))*legendrePl(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(phi) # HthiL = lambda r, th, phi: HthiL(r,th,phi) -(mBL[l-1]*psi1 (l,kI*r)/(kI*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th) \ # + eBL[l-1]*psi (l,kI*r)/(k2I*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th))*np.sin(phi) # HphiiL = lambda r, th, phi: HphiiL(r,th,phi) +(mBL[l-1]*psi1 (l,kI*r)/(kI*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th) \ # + eBL[l-1]*psi (l,kI*r)/(k2I*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th))*np.cos(phi) # right #EriR = lambda r, th, phi: EriR(r,th,phi) + eBR[l-1]*(psi(l,kI*r)+psi2(l,kI*r))*legendrePl(l,np.cos(th))*np.cos(phi) # EthiR = lambda r, th, phi: EthiR(r,th,phi) -(eBR[l-1]*psi1 (l,kI*r)/(kI*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th) \ # + mBR[l-1]*psi (l,kI*r)/(k1I*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th))*np.cos(phi) # EphiiR = lambda r, th, phi: EphiiR(r,th,phi) -(eBR[l-1]*psi1 (l,kI*r)/(kI*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th) \ # + mBR[l-1]*psi (l,kI*r)/(k1I*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th))*np.sin(phi) #HriR = lambda r, th, phi: HriR(r,th,phi) + mBR[l-1]*(psi(l,kI*r)+psi2(l,kI*r))*legendrePl(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(phi) # HthiR = lambda r, th, phi: HthiR(r,th,phi) -(mBR[l-1]*psi1 (l,kI*r)/(kI*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th) \ # + eBR[l-1]*psi (l,kI*r)/(k2I*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th))*np.sin(phi) # HphiiR = lambda r, th, phi: HphiiR(r,th,phi) +(mBR[l-1]*psi1 (l,kI*r)/(kI*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th) \ # + eBR[l-1]*psi (l,kI*r)/(k2I*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th))*np.cos(phi) # Field Expansions For Scattered Fields # sums of radial, zenithal and azimuthal field terms from l=1 to l=lmax # Paul: workaround to recursing into lambda functions def wrapper_expansion(lambda_func): def wrapped(r, th, ph): result = 0 for jj in range(lmax): l = jj + 1 result += lambda_func(r, th, ph, l) return result return wrapped # left def ErsL_it(r, th, phi, l): return ( eDL[l - 1] + eDdL[l - 1]) * (xi(l, kI * r) + xi2(l, kI * r)) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) * np.cos(phi) def EthsL_it(r, th, phi, l): return -((eDL[l - 1] + eDdL[l - 1]) * xi1(l, kI * r) / (kI * r) * legendrePl1(l, np.cos(th)) * np.sin(th) + (mDL[l - 1] + mDdL[l - 1]) * xi(l, kI * r) / (k1I * r) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) / np.sin(th)) * np.cos(phi) def EphisL_it(r, th, phi, l): return -((eDL[l - 1] + eDdL[l - 1]) * xi1(l, kI * r) / (kI * r) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) / np.sin(th) + (mDL[l - 1] + mDdL[l - 1]) * xi(l, kI * r) / (k1I * r) * legendrePl1(l, np.cos(th)) * np.sin(th)) * np.sin(phi) def HrsL_it(r, th, phi, l): return +(mDL[l - 1] + mDdL[l - 1]) * ( xi(l, kI * r) + xi2(l, kI * r)) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) * np.sin(phi) def HthsL_it(r, th, phi, l): return -((mDL[l - 1] + mDdL[l - 1]) * xi1(l, kI * r) / (kI * r) * legendrePl1(l, np.cos(th)) * np.sin(th) + (eDL[l - 1] + eDdL[l - 1]) * xi(l, kI * r) / (k2I * r) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) / np.sin(th)) * np.sin(phi) def HphisL_it(r, th, phi, l): return +((mDL[l - 1] + mDdL[l - 1]) * xi1(l, kI * r) / (kI * r) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) / np.sin(th) + (eDL[l - 1] + eDdL[l - 1]) * xi(l, kI * r) / (k2I * r) * legendrePl1(l, np.cos(th)) * np.sin(th)) * np.cos(phi) # right def ErsR_it(r, th, phi, l): return +(eDR[l - 1] + eDdR[l - 1]) * ( xi(l, kI * r) + xi2(l, kI * r)) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) * np.cos(phi) def EthsR_it(r, th, phi, l): return -((eDR[l - 1] + eDdR[l - 1]) * xi1(l, kI * r) / (kI * r) * legendrePl1(l, np.cos(th)) * np.sin(th) + (mDR[l - 1] + mDdR[l - 1]) * xi(l, kI * r) / (k1I * r) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) / np.sin(th)) * np.cos(phi) def EphisR_it(r, th, phi, l): return -((eDR[l - 1] + eDdR[l - 1]) * xi1(l, kI * r) / (kI * r) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) / np.sin(th) + (mDR[l - 1] + mDdR[l - 1]) * xi(l, kI * r) / (k1I * r) * legendrePl1(l, np.cos(th)) * np.sin(th)) * np.sin(phi) def HrsR_it(r, th, phi, l): return +(mDR[l - 1] + mDdR[l - 1]) * ( xi(l, kI * r) + xi2(l, kI * r)) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) * np.sin(phi) def HthsR_it(r, th, phi, l): return -((mDR[l - 1] + mDdR[l - 1]) * xi1(l, kI * r) / (kI * r) * legendrePl1(l, np.cos(th)) * np.sin(th) + (eDR[l - 1] + eDdR[l - 1]) * xi(l, kI * r) / (k2I * r) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) / np.sin(th)) * np.sin(phi) def HphisR_it(r, th, phi, l): return +((mDR[l - 1] + mDdR[l - 1]) * xi1(l, kI * r) / (kI * r) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) / np.sin(th) + (eDR[l - 1] + eDdR[l - 1]) * xi(l, kI * r) / (k2I * r) * legendrePl1(l, np.cos(th)) * np.sin(th)) * np.cos(phi) ErsL = wrapper_expansion(ErsL_it) EthsL = wrapper_expansion(EthsL_it) EphisL = wrapper_expansion(EphisL_it) HrsL = wrapper_expansion(HrsL_it) HthsL = wrapper_expansion(HthsL_it) HphisL = wrapper_expansion(HphisL_it) ErsR = wrapper_expansion(ErsR_it) EthsR = wrapper_expansion(EthsR_it) EphisR = wrapper_expansion(EphisR_it) HrsR = wrapper_expansion(HrsR_it) HthsR = wrapper_expansion(HthsR_it) HphisR = wrapper_expansion(HphisR_it) # Field Expansions For Internal Fields (Within) # sums of radial, zenithal and azimuthal field terms from l=1 to l=lmax # initialisation of sums def ErwL_it(r, th, phi, l): return +(eCL[l - 1] + eCcL[l - 1]) * ( psi(l, kII * r) + psi2(l, kII * r)) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) * np.cos(phi) def EthwL_it(r, th, phi, l): return -((eCL[l - 1] + eCcL[l - 1]) * psi1(l, kII * r) / (kII * r) * legendrePl1(l, np.cos(th)) * np.sin(th) + (mCL[l - 1] + mCcL[l - 1]) * psi(l, kII * r) / (k1II * r) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) / np.sin(th)) * np.cos(phi) def EphiwL_it(r, th, phi, l): return -((eCL[l - 1] + eCcL[l - 1]) * psi1(l, kII * r) / (kII * r) * legendrePl(l, np.cos(th)) / np.sin(th) + (mCL[l - 1] + mCcL[l - 1]) * psi(l, kII * r) / (k1II * r) * legendrePl1(l, np.cos(th)) * np.sin(th)) * np.sin(phi) # Paul: These are not used?! #HrwL_it = lambda r,th,phi,l: +(mCL[l-1] + mCcL[l-1])*(psi(l,kII*r)+psi2(l,kII*r))*legendrePl(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(phi) # HthwL_it = lambda r,th,phi,l: -((mCL[l-1] + mCcL[l-1])*psi1 (l,kII*r)/(kII*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th) \ # + (eCL[l-1] + eCcL[l-1])*psi (l,kII*r)/(k2II*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th))*np.sin(phi) # HphiwL_it = lambda r,th,phi,l: +((mCL[l-1] + mCcL[l-1])*psi1 (l,kII*r)/(kII*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th) \ # + (eCL[l-1] + eCcL[l-1])*psi (l,kII*r)/(k2II*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th))*np.cos(phi) # right #ErwR_it = lambda r,th,phi,l: +(eCR[l-1] + eCcR[l-1])*(psi(l,kII*r)+psi2(l,kII*r))*legendrePl(l,np.cos(th))*np.cos(phi) # EthwR_it = lambda r,th,phi,l: -((eCR[l-1] + eCcR[l-1])*psi1 (l,kII*r)/(kII*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th) \ # + (mCR[l-1] + mCcR[l-1])*psi (l,kII*r)/(k1II*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th))*np.cos(phi) # EphiwR_it = lambda r,th,phi,l: -((eCR[l-1] + eCcR[l-1])*psi1 (l,kII*r)/(kII*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th) \ # + (mCR[l-1] + mCcR[l-1])*psi (l,kII*r)/(k1II*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th))*np.sin(phi) #HrwR_it = lambda r,th,phi,l: +(mCR[l-1] + mCcR[l-1])*(psi(l,kII*r)+psi2(l,kII*r))*legendrePl(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(phi) # HthwR_it = lambda r,th,phi,l: -((mCR[l-1] + mCcR[l-1])*psi1 (l,kII*r)/(kII*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th) \ # + (eCR[l-1] + eCcR[l-1])*psi (l,kII*r)/(k2II*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th))*np.sin(phi) # HphiwR_it = lambda r,th,phi,l: +((mCR[l-1] + mCcR[l-1])*psi1 (l,kII*r)/(kII*r)*legendrePl (l,np.cos(th))/np.sin(th) \ # + (eCR[l-1] + eCcR[l-1])*psi (l,kII*r)/(k2II*r)*legendrePl1(l,np.cos(th))*np.sin(th))*np.cos(phi) ErwL = wrapper_expansion(ErwL_it) EthwL = wrapper_expansion(EthwL_it) EphiwL = wrapper_expansion(EphiwL_it) # Paul: These are not used?! #HrwL = wrapper_expansion(HrwL_it) #HthwL = wrapper_expansion(HthwL_it) #HphiwL = wrapper_expansion(HphiwL_it) # #ErwR = wrapper_expansion(ErwR_it) #EthwR = wrapper_expansion(EthwR_it) #EphiwR = wrapper_expansion(EphiwR_it) #HrwR = wrapper_expansion(HrwR_it) #HthwR = wrapper_expansion(HthwR_it) #HphiwR = wrapper_expansion(HphiwR_it) # Overall Fields # sum of the electric fields in region I (independent of time) [separated # for left and right] def ErL(r, th, phi): return ErsL(r, th, phi) + eEriL(r, th, phi) def ErR(r, th, phi): return ErsR(r, th, phi) + eEriR(r, th, phi) def EthL(r, th, phi): return EthsL(r, th, phi) + eEthiL(r, th, phi) def EthR(r, th, phi): return EthsR(r, th, phi) + eEthiR(r, th, phi) def EphiL(r, th, phi): return EphisL(r, th, phi) + eEphiiL(r, th, phi) def EphiR(r, th, phi): return EphisR(r, th, phi) + eEphiiR(r, th, phi) def HrL(r, th, phi): return HrsL(r, th, phi) + eHriL(r, th, phi) def HrR(r, th, phi): return HrsR(r, th, phi) + eHriR(r, th, phi) def HthL(r, th, phi): return HthsL(r, th, phi) + eHthiL(r, th, phi) def HthR(r, th, phi): return HthsR(r, th, phi) + eHthiR(r, th, phi) def HphiL(r, th, phi): return HphisL(r, th, phi) + eHphiiL(r, th, phi) def HphiR(r, th, phi): return HphisR(r, th, phi) + eHphiiR(r, th, phi) # Checking Boundary Conditions # generate points on boundary r = np.zeros(22, dtype=complex) th = np.zeros(22, dtype=complex) phi = np.pi / 4 for ii in range(22): th[ii] = np.pi / 20.003 * (ii + 1 - 0.999) r[ii] = a * B1(np.cos(th[ii])) FEr1 = np.zeros(22, dtype=float) FEr2 = np.zeros(22, dtype=float) FEth1 = np.zeros(22, dtype=float) FEth2 = np.zeros(22, dtype=float) FEphi1 = np.zeros(22, dtype=float) FEphi2 = np.zeros(22, dtype=float) FEr = np.zeros(22, dtype=float) FEth = np.zeros(22, dtype=float) FEphi = np.zeros(22, dtype=float) for ii in range(22): # internal and external fields FEr1[ii] = np.real(EpsilonI * ErL(r[ii], th[ii], phi)) FEr2[ii] = np.real(EpsilonII * ErwL(r[ii], th[ii], phi)) FEth1[ii] = np.real(EthL(r[ii], th[ii], phi)) FEth2[ii] = np.real(EthwL(r[ii], th[ii], phi)) FEphi1[ii] = np.real(EphiL(r[ii], th[ii], phi)) FEphi2[ii] = np.real(EphiwL(r[ii], th[ii], phi)) # ratios FEr[ii] = FEr1[ii] / FEr2[ii] FEth[ii] = FEth1[ii] / FEth2[ii] FEphi[ii] = FEphi1[ii] / FEphi2[ii] if verbose: print('Following output indicates the accuracy of the matching of the boundary conditions.') print('theta, Er, Er_ratio, Eth, Eth_ratio, Ephi, Ephi_ratio.') print(np.array([th, FEr1, FEr, FEth1, FEth, FEphi1, FEphi])) print('The ratio should be close to 1 for good matching of the BCs. However if the fields tend to zero the ratio is not that relevant.') # Data for Plotting # time-averaged, radial stress on infinitesimal area dA = r**2 np.sin(th) # dr dth dphi def sigmarr(r, th, phi): return -1 / (16 * np.pi) * np.real( EpsilonI * (ErL(r, th, phi) * np.conj(ErL(r, th, phi)) - EthL(r, th, phi) * np.conj(EthL(r, th, phi)) - EphiL(r, th, phi) * np.conj(EphiL(r, th, phi))) + EpsilonI * (ErR(r, th, phi) * np.conj(ErR(r, th, phi)) - EthR(r, th, phi) * np.conj(EthR(r, th, phi)) - EphiR(r, th, phi) * np.conj(EphiR(r, th, phi))) + MuI * (HrL(r, th, phi) * np.conj(HrL(r, th, phi)) - HthL(r, th, phi) * np.conj(HthL(r, th, phi)) - HphiL(r, th, phi) * np.conj(HphiL(r, th, phi))) + MuI * (HrR(r, th, phi) * np.conj(HrR(r, th, phi)) - HthR(r, th, phi) * np.conj(HthR(r, th, phi)) - HphiR(r, th, phi) * np.conj(HphiR(r, th, phi)))) th = np.zeros(n_points, dtype=float) r = np.zeros(n_points, dtype=float) sigma = np.zeros(n_points, dtype=float) for ii in range(n_points): th[ii] = theta_max / (n_points - 0.998) * (ii + 1 - 0.999) r[ii] = a * B1(np.cos(th[ii])) sigma[ii] = sigmarr(r[ii], th[ii], np.pi / 4) res = [th, sigma] if ret_legendre_decomp: coeff = stress2legendre(stress=sigma, theta=th, n_poly=lmax) res.append(coeff) return res